Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Malaysia Blog

Hey , i decided to make this a Malaysian blog . Anyway i am also looking for sponsors from Malaysia or international sponsors that Malaysian can participate in . I am giving 2 weeks free . I already have 1 ad up and it's great did a PC scan sweet i works i corrected my PC and it's smooth .

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kuala Lumpur the city of Malaysia

Above is a Picture of Kuala Lumpur hope you like it . It's a real fund and busy city you should visit it and have some fun if you are from Kuala Lumpur than great why not have more fun .

My MSN and e-mail .

Hey guys , if you would like to contact me on ad space or chat with me add me on msn or give me a e-mail . It's goldendrgon_1993@hotmail.com please copy and paste to avoid errors as you can see it isn't dragon it's drgon thanks .

Putrajaya bridge

Above is a beautiful picture of a bridge i took in Putrajaya , i recommend you check that place out . Basically , all the government offices moved there . It's really beautiful and modern . No harm checking it our right ? Putrajaya has houses , government offices , shopping malls and so much more than you thinks off .

Friday, November 28, 2008

Malaysia's astonaut !

                     Malaysia spent millions sendind this guy on a space adventure what a lucky guy . At least now Malaysia has their very first astronaught  . Wish I was he would probably go down in history for this.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Kuala Lumpur Pasar Malam


                       I went to the pasar malam in Kuala Lumpur yesterday and decide to take a picture for you to see . I am telling you , even if your a billionaire you really should experience going to a Pasar Malam just once . 

                      The one I want to has so many things it was bigger than a shopping complex and the price is such a bargain ! Not to mention , they have such fresh fruits and fish love buying stuff there .

Malaysia Map and the beautiful Flag of Malaysia.

                                Here is the beautiful Malaysian flag and every colour and sign have a meaning and symbolises something . It's just a beauty the way they design it.

                    Here is a Map of Malaysia and the highway routes and the main states look at it and choose a few states so when you come to Malaysia you know where to start . Even if yo live in Malaysia you definately would need this use this to plan for your holidays . 


hornbil in Malaysia

                   Isn't the bird above beautiful ?It's a hornbil . Well , it can be found in Malaysia and it's really lovely . When I went on holiday I took a quick pic and decided to show you one of the magnificent birds in Malaysia!. Called the Hornbil !!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sky Bridge in Langkawi

         Here's a pic of the sky bridge in Langkawi . If you wondering what is Langkawi ? it's and island located in Malaysia . All comments are welcome . It's really beautiful and is somethign you should try when you come to Malaysia and it is another reason you should come to Malaysia actually.

        Even if your a citizen and live in Malaysia I am sure not all of you have visited Langkawi Island ! it's beautiful .

KLCC located in kuala lumpur , malaysia .

                   Hey , Malaysia is simply magnificent not only it has such beautiful nature , but it also has a modern and busy town called Kuala Lumpur . Anyway , located in Kuala Lumpur is one of the tallest buildigns in the world ! It's called KLCC why not visit it? It's just amazing there . 

                  There's also a shopping mall in KLCC called Suria KLCC and well it's nice and have a huge variety of shops . What shops i recommend you to go to and what products are good? I won't recommend any yet until the companies contact me giving me permission . But I love this restaurant called Madam Kwan! You can check it out if you like .

                 A little info about the owner and creator. KLCC is owned by the company Maxis and there is also offices located in there so yeah that's the company who owns KLCC . The owner of maxis is Ananda Krishnan.

Turtle Diving in Sipadan.


             I wonder why more tourist visit the Malaysian states than the Malaysians themselves! Well , if you guys new to beauty there is you'd love it . Above is a pic on turtle diving in Sipadan hope you enjoy it :D and why not go there and check their wonders?.

           The beauty is simply magnificent this picture is like nothing but if you visit it and actually try turtle diving in Sipadan your never going to want to leave that place !.

Mermaid in Malaysia ? possible??!

Hey , here is a pic i found and it's a mermaid found in Malaysia! Any comments what do you think?? Could this be a joke? Well the picture makes me believe it although some people have their own opinions so tell me what do you think.

Malaysia Guide

          Hey , I am going to be posting guides on Malaysia as well as what do we have here in Malaysia and what are the good products. One more thing , I 'll be giving reviews to all the good malaysian products and services and states so get ready for my mind blowing blog.