Tuesday, November 25, 2008

KLCC located in kuala lumpur , malaysia .

                   Hey , Malaysia is simply magnificent not only it has such beautiful nature , but it also has a modern and busy town called Kuala Lumpur . Anyway , located in Kuala Lumpur is one of the tallest buildigns in the world ! It's called KLCC why not visit it? It's just amazing there . 

                  There's also a shopping mall in KLCC called Suria KLCC and well it's nice and have a huge variety of shops . What shops i recommend you to go to and what products are good? I won't recommend any yet until the companies contact me giving me permission . But I love this restaurant called Madam Kwan! You can check it out if you like .

                 A little info about the owner and creator. KLCC is owned by the company Maxis and there is also offices located in there so yeah that's the company who owns KLCC . The owner of maxis is Ananda Krishnan.

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